Back row: Barb Birch (Coach), Trever Penner (Coach), Angelika Dela Cruz (Manager), Massie Binions, Ava Swaenepoel, Gracelyn Byers-Schroeder, Tessa Penner, Blaire Laursen, Kiera Armitage, Bev Sobry (Coach)
Front row: Bryanne Willman, Chelsea Turner, Mallory Van De Kerckhove, Sofia Asejo, Maria Barclay
Food Allergy Update
The following food items should not be sent to school:
any nuts products (including by-products i.e. Nutella, peanut butter).
any fish products
Are you wanting to volunteer?
Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities at the school. Coaching, Chaperoning Field trips, helping out in a classroom and driving sports teams to name a few. It is a great way for families to connect with the teachers and other staff and make memories with your children.
Please stop by the office to pick up and complete the required forms to volunteer. Child Abuse Registry Check and Criminal Record Check are required.
Please contact the Souris RCMP office to complete your Criminal Record Check 204-483-2854
Souris School Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child, or know someone who’s child will be turning 5 before December 31st, 2025? If so, it is time to register for KINDERGARTEN!
Please visit the school office between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to pick up your registration forms. You can also print the forms from our website https://www.shmb.ca/student-registration. We require a copy of your childs Birth Certificate, Manitoba Health Card and proof that student is a resident of the School Division (can be parent’s driver’s license, property statement or current tenancy agreement)
Please return completed forms to the School office by Friday, March 14, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact the School at
204-483-2161 or email officesouris@shmb.ca
Weekly FIB for March 21
Report cards were emailed out this morning, if you have not yet received your student’s report card, please check your junk/spam folder. If it is not in your junk/spam, please contact the office.
Parent teacher interviews are being held March 24 & 25. If you have not yet booked a time with your student’s teacher and would like an interview, please book your time at the following link: https://www.shmb.ca/division/powerschool-portal-help/schedule-parent-teacher
The Scholastic Book fair will be open in the library during Parent Teacher interviews, stop by to purchase some new books for your children!
Lost and found items will be displayed during Parent teacher interviews, if your children are missing items, please have a look when you are in the school. Any items not claimed will be donated.
Sweet Treat Alert!
The Senior High Culinary class is hosting an Easter-themed Sugar Cookie Bake Sale to support the program! We’ve got bunny, carrot, egg, and flower-shaped cookies—and they’re delicious!
Grab one for a $3 donation at the Book Fair in the library or our table in The Pond.
When? Monday & Tuesday during Parent-Teacher Interviews!
Hippity-hop over and treat yourself while supporting a great cause!
Coming Events
March 24 & 25 - Parent Teacher Interviews
March 26 - High School Ski Trip
March 28 - No School (Non-Instructional Day)
March 31 - April 4 - Spring Break