Regan Anderson Natalie Eissner Liam Perkin Riley Truax  

Mia Armitage Olivia Eissner Ashton Puhach Eve Van De Kerckhove

Kai Bennett Avery Finlay Mariella Rada   Maija Vanlenthe   

Leah Chambers Lauren Fisher   Oren Robbins Ashlyn Wood

Ryder Clayton Benjamyn Francey Peyton Robinson Isaiah Wurtz

Beth Couling Nolan Janz Ian Sisson Jordan Wurtz

Frances  Dela Cruz Jackson Kohut Luke Sokolowski Camryn Zabowski

Hannah Ducharme Dustin Lachapelle Ethan Speirs

Noah Edmunds Faye Landry-Svetec Gavin Tichit

General presentation
FIB Logo

Weekly FIB June 14

Please be sure to stop by the lost and found if you are in the building in the next couple weeks to see if any items belong to your students. Any items left after June 28th will be donated.

Important Upcoming Dates:

June 17 – June 21 – Senior Years Exam Week

June 19 – Grade 5/6 Amazing Race

June 19 – Grade 8 Field Trip to Winnipeg

June 20 – K-4 Track & Field 

June 20-21 – Grade 6 Field Trip to Circle Square

June 21 – Graduation Day

June 21 – Grade 7 Field Trip to Brandon

June 24 – K-2 Swim Party

June 25 – Grade 3/4 Swim Party

June 25 – Grade 5 Field Trip to Spruce Woods

June 26 – K-4 Family BBQ

June 26 – Middle Years Swim Party

June 27 – Grade 7/8 Awards

June 27 – Last Day of School – Students dismissed at 2:00 p.m.

If you are interested in joining the Celebrity Ball Hockey Tournament this summer, please find the information attached below.
Celebrity Ball Hockey